Dirk Van de Gehuchte
Dirk Van de Gehuchte works in company law (acquisitions and mergers, corporate governance, transfers of family businesses), business law and liability and insurance law. Dirk is a member of i.a. the International Club of Flanders, CAREN Lille and the NGO, VZW Medvocat, and has extensive experience as a director of companies (including chair of the board of directors of NV T-Groep, chair of board of directors of NV Ergoflex, chair of board of directors of NV AEIM).
Dirk attended numerous post-graduate courses and study days and regularly acts as a speaker at study days. Dirk is an accredited mediator in civil and commercial matters, chairman of Medvocat, a non-profit association of lawyer-mediators, and has extensive negotiating experience (including with regard to the transfer of (family) businesses, company conflicts, relations with public authorities, etc.). Dirk has been Honorary Consul for the Czech Republic since 2014.
Dirk is a partner at Portelio and has been a member of the Ghent Bar Association since 1975. He is also a member of the Oudenaarde Bar Association.
Languages: Dutch, French and English.

“Praktische gids bemiddeling en collaboratieve onderhandeling”, co-auteur, Story 2019
“Bijzondere clausules in overnameovereenkomsten”, co-auteur, Publicaties in het economisch recht VUB, nr. 17, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2014.
“Médiation en matière civile et commerciale. Guide Pratique.”, co-auteur, Gent, Story, 2011, 224 p.
“Enkele tips voor de koninklijke bemiddelaars”, Juristenkrant 2010, afl. 214, 14-15.
“Productaansprakelijkheid in België”, auteur, Mys & Breesch, 2000, 145 p.