Insurance and liability law
We have extensive experience and expertise in liability and insurance matters. Portelio is able to rely on long-term cooperation with transport companies and with various Belgian and foreign insurance companies and brokers. You can come to Portelio for advice and guidance on road traffic, criminal defence as a result of traffic violations, personal injury, construction and contracting (civil liability (BA) and all construction site risk insurance (ABR)), product liability and medical liability.
Our other areas of expertise?
Portelio is happy to be your partner and sounding board for all aspects of doing business. We provide you with pragmatic advice, assist you in negotiations and, if necessary, assist you in the event of a dispute. Our specialists are active in the following fields: corporate and insolvency law, commercial law, real estate law, employment law and insurance and liability law. Portelio's strength lies in the integrated provision of services and the bundling of these different areas of expertise within corporate law.

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your company?
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