Matthias Gesquière
Matthias Gesquière works in company law (mergers and acquisitions and conflicts within corporate life) and insolvency law (bankruptcy, judicial reorganisation, seizure law, securities). He assists both Belgian and international clients in contract work and legal proceedings in these areas.
He is regularly appointed as receiver in bankruptcy cases and liquidator of companies.
Matthias is currently a guest lecturer at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Matthias has an additional master’s degree in European law and an additional post-graduate qualification in corporate finance.
Mattias is a partner at Portelio and has been a member of the Ghent Bar Association since 2004.
Languages: Dutch, French and English.

- M. GESQUIERE, “Borgtocht op eerste verzoek”, T.B.B.R. 2004, 369-387
- M. GESQUIERE, “Opties op aandelen binnen het ruimere kader van aandeelhoudersovereenkomsten”, in De Praktijkjurist XVI, Gent, Story Publishers, 2010, 121-163
- K. BYTTEBIER en M. GESQUIERE, “De overdracht onder gerechtelijk gezag”, in K. BYTTEIBER, E. DIRIX, M. TISON en M. VANMEENEN (Eds.), Gerechtelijke reorganisatie, Getest, Gewikt en Gewogen, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2010, 207-269
- K. BYTTEBIER en M. GESQUIERE, “Algemene Beginselen Insolventierecht”, Gent, Story Publishers, 2014
- D. VAN DE GEHUCHTE en M. GESQUIERE, “Bijzondere clausules in overnameovereenkomsten”, in K. BYTTEBIER en T. WERA (Eds.), Actuele evoluties inzake overnames en herstructureringen, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2014, 47-71
- M. GESQUIERE “Political, economic and legal foundations of the concept of enterprise”, in L. CORNELIS (Ed.), Finance and Law, Twins in Trouble, Cambridge / Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2015, 189-219
- M. GESQUIERE, “Artikel 46 Faill. W.” en “Artikel 35 WCO” in J. EMBRECHTS, M. VANMEENEN en I. VEROUGSTRAETE, Wet en Duiding, Insolventie, Brussel, Larcier, 2014